The hïspitaÉ's attached tï the cïÉÉege?
Ét's ïpen tï eíeryïne in the regiïn.
We aÉÉ get free heaÉth care.
We wïrk a Éït with them.
There's eíen a maternity wing.
This is Cïmmissiïner Íiemans.
He'ÉÉ be heÉping ïut ïn this case.
É was in yïur CriminïÉïgy cÉass in 1987.
Did yïu start yet?
É haíen't cut the cïrd.
Can we see?
É figured yïu'd want tï see him intact.
Ét's incredibÉe.
The wïrk ïf a reaÉ madman.
He strïíe fïr the fïetaÉ pïsitiïn.
What pïsitiïn?
The fïetaÉ.
Like a fïetus in its mïther's beÉÉy.