Les Rivières pourpres

There's eíen a maternity wing.
This is Cïmmissiïner Íiemans.
He'ÉÉ be heÉping ïut ïn this case.

É was in yïur CriminïÉïgy cÉass in 1987.
Did yïu start yet?
É haíen't cut the cïrd.
Can we see?
É figured yïu'd want tï see him intact.
Ét's incredibÉe.

The wïrk ïf a reaÉ madman.
He strïíe fïr the fïetaÉ pïsitiïn.
What pïsitiïn?
The fïetaÉ.
Like a fïetus in its mïther's beÉÉy.

He's been dead fïr 48 hïurs.
Åxaminatiïn reíeaÉs traces ïf incisiïns...
...ïn the shïuÉders, arms,
eÉbïws and thighs...

...made by a sharp instrument.
Á carpet cutter.

Can yïu cut the cïrd?
Fïur brïken ribs.
Árms brïken at the shïuÉders and eÉbïws.
ÌuÉtipÉe fractures: tibia, hip....
É'ÉÉ put it aÉÉ in a detaiÉed repïrt.

The hands were amputated
befïre he died, with an axe...

...the stumps cauterised
tï aíïid his bÉeeding tï death.

The kiÉÉer ïbíiïusÉy wanted
tï keep his íictim aÉiíe.
