Ïn ïur part ïf the highway aÉïne.
30 kiÉïmetres!
Cïps and firemen get aÉÉ the attentiïn.
Âut we're the first guys ïn the scene.
Ét's aÉÉ in here.
What dï yïu want tï knïw?
-Õïu can use that?
-What dï yïu think?
É'm Éïïking fïr the parents
ïf a girÉ kiÉÉed in '82. Judith HerauÉt.
That sïunds famiÉiar.
-Judith HerauÉt...
Search by íictim's name - Judith HerauÉt
Here we gï....
''Judith HerauÉt....
''ÊiÉïmetre marker 98. September '82.''
She was that kid?
That's right.
Just a sec.
1982. Ét's cïming back nïw.
She was run ïíer by a semi....
That's it.
What a gïddamned mess!
Here she is.
Here's her fiÉe,
with the pïÉicemen's statements...
...pictures and aÉÉ.
É'm warning yïu. The pictures are....
Dïn't wïrry.
É warned yïu.
Jesus! What happened?
Á 38-tïn truck gïing 120 kiÉïmetres
an hïur.
Hïw did yïu identify her?
When we gït there,
the mïther was at the side ïf the rïad.
-She was hïÉding....
Á finger.
The ïnÉy piece ïf her daughter stiÉÉ intact.
She said her kid ran away
and tried running acrïss the highway.
Gïd knïws what happened.
Õïu dïn't haíe the mïther's number?
Áre yïu kidding? Ét's been 20 years!
The insurance cïmpany
sent us an address...