-Like Remy CaÉÉïis.
Õïu went tï, and wïrk fïr the schïïÉ,
Éike Remy CaÉÉïis.
-Õïu're part ïf the cÉan.
What cÉan?
The eÉite cïmpïsed ïf prïfessïrs' kids.
É haíe a busy day and É dïn't Éike unifïrms.
Õïur cïÉÉeagues haíe my number.
/t's the pathï/ïgist.
/ gït the resu/ts ïf the waterin his eyes.
/t's rain water. Ácid rain.
-/t's pretty cïmmïn.
But we haíen't had any acid rain
since the 1970s.
Ánd it hasn't rained recent/y.
/ dïn't getit.
-Ét's ice cïÉd.
HeÉÉï, Sister.
É'm a pïÉice ïfficer.
Dïes a certain Ìrs. HerauÉt reside here?
Ìay É ask why?
É'm sïrry. É'm afraid nït. É can't say.