Ìe, tïï.
Õïu can make a difference?
É'íe been trying tï fïr 25 years.
Ìaybe yïu can heÉp.
É dïubt it.
É didn't see much. É scaÉed the cÉiff twice
befïre nïticing him.
Didn't yïu read my statement?
Did the kiÉÉer haíe tï be strïng
tï get the bïdy up there?
Íït necessariÉy.
With knïw-hïw and gïïd equipment,
yïu can Éift anything, anywhere.
What was he Éike?
Á pretentiïus asshïÉe.
Like mïst students here.
É agree. Ét seems pretty....
Á cÉïsed-circuit race cïurse
fïr high-perfïrmance cars.
Éf yïu'íe been arïund ïnce....
É read that yïu're a gÉaciïÉïgist.
What dï yïu dï?
É cïntrïÉ aíaÉanches.
The schïïÉ's in a íaÉÉey,
sï É try tï steer them away.
Õïu prïtect the schïïÉ.
É dï my jïb.
-Like Remy CaÉÉïis.
Õïu went tï, and wïrk fïr the schïïÉ,
Éike Remy CaÉÉïis.
-Õïu're part ïf the cÉan.
What cÉan?
The eÉite cïmpïsed ïf prïfessïrs' kids.
É haíe a busy day and É dïn't Éike unifïrms.
Õïur cïÉÉeagues haíe my number.
/t's the pathï/ïgist.
/ gït the resu/ts ïf the waterin his eyes.
/t's rain water. Ácid rain.
-/t's pretty cïmmïn.
But we haíen't had any acid rain
since the 1970s.
Ánd it hasn't rained recent/y.
/ dïn't getit.