Mom, coming in.
Scottie Dunleavy?
What unfortunate timing.
Get out. Don't you know
this is naughty time?
I'll get it.
Hello, Scottie. Why don't you
be a good little boy...
go downstairs
and let your mother get comfy?
Who is this?
This is a big bird who wants
to see the rest of Mommy.
Oh, my God, Scottie.
Is that a man up our tree?
No, no.
Tell her it's just a big bird.
Hey, pal, welcome.
Welcome to what? Where am l?
Aren't you that horny guy who
was pretending to be a big bird?
Checking out that beautiful mom?
Yes, I am.
Now you'll see what a big horny
bird actually looks like...
in Hell!
I deserve this!