Hey, pal, welcome.
Welcome to what? Where am l?
Aren't you that horny guy who
was pretending to be a big bird?
Checking out that beautiful mom?
Yes, I am.
Now you'll see what a big horny
bird actually looks like...
in Hell!
I deserve this!
-Knock, knock.
-Hey, Jimmy.
-What are you doing, Nicky?
-Just jamming.
Your father wants you and your
brothers in the throne room.
He's not retiring today, is he?
He wants to talk to you
and Cassius and Adrian...
about who'll rule Hell
for the next 10,000 years.
Why do I need to go?
He won't pick me.
I happen to think
you'd make a great Devil.
I'm not into evil and torture
and all that stuff.
Plus, the Prince of Darkness
should look distinguished...
and let's face facts,
I'm no George Clooney.
You're not
a bad-looking guy, Nicky.
Look at that picture.
I used to talk normal, too...
before Cassius hit me
in the face with a shovel.
That's me now, and I accept it.
Your brothers are two of
the sickest guys I've ever seen.
For some reason, you're not.
Nothing to be ashamed of.