They must come back together
at the exact same time.
Get them to drink from this.
One sip,
and they'll be trapped inside.
Once you've got both of them,
bring it back through the gate.
Let me, sir.
He's got less than a week.
Dad, I don't know
if I can do this.
Son, you...
Try your best.
It doesn't look too bad.
You were gone ten seconds.
What happened?
I got hit by this big light
attached to a lot of metal.
That's a train, son.
Don't stand in front of them.
I'll have to take a mulligan
on this one.
Please, Nicky,
get back up there.
All right.
I'll get that for you, sir.
I'm Nicky.
That's terrific.
Now get off the track
and come with me, handsome.
Welcome to Grand Central Station
in New York City.