Little Nicky

It doesn't look too bad.
You were gone ten seconds.
What happened?

I got hit by this big light
attached to a lot of metal.

That's a train, son.
Don't stand in front of them.

I'll have to take a mulligan
on this one.

Please, Nicky,
get back up there.

All right.
I'll get that for you, sir.
I'm Nicky.
That's terrific.
Now get off the track
and come with me, handsome.

Welcome to Grand Central Station
in New York City.

My name is Beefy.
I'm an old friend
of your father's.

He asked me to help you out.
I just want to find my brothers
and be on my way.

It's not going to be easy.
Your brothers
can possess people...

so they probably
won't look like themselves.

You have to be suspicious
of everyone.

All right, bro.
The jig is up, then.
Get in the flask.

It ain't me, moron.
There's this blind guy outside
you might think is possessed...

but he's just crazy.
Though I cannot see
with these blind eyes...

I know the good Lord
still loves me.

He loves all of his children.
-Why, he loves you...
-That's him.

...and he loves you.
Here he goes.
You make the Lord very nervous.
All right.
-I'm burning now.
-Take it easy.

Hellfire is burning me alive!
