Little Nicky

You have a nice smell
coming off you.

That's my perfume.
It's called
Comme de Sud Pacific.

I think that's French
for "Coconuts."

That's better than the gelati.
Valerie, it feels like there's
a bunch of butterflies...

flapping around
in my stomach right now.

Is that normal?
Sometimes, sure.
Good, because I was concerned.
Why did they do this to me?
I was good to them.

I can hardly notice. Honest.
I sure hope Nicky's
kicking some ass on Earth...

or we are doomed.
I was the one who created Hell.
I know, Your Hatefulness.
Actually, the credit
belongs to my first wife.

She was the inspiration.
Chewbacca, take it easy,
will you?

You look like my first wife.
Only she had more hair.

In another startling
announcement from City Hall...

Mayor Randolph has,
effective immediately...

Iowered the legal drinking age
from twenty-one to ten.

When an adult goes to Hell,
that's terrific.

But when a child goes...
That's why I'm in this business.
Little Nicky.
-Know what's nice about you?

I like the way you're happy
just being yourself.

You don't try to act cool.
Thanks much, Valerie.
You know what's nice about you?
Your juicy heart-shaped heinie.
What was that?
I don't know why I said that.
I meant to say that...

I've always dreamt about
having sex with a gross pig.
