Little Nicky

In another startling
announcement from City Hall...

Mayor Randolph has,
effective immediately...

Iowered the legal drinking age
from twenty-one to ten.

When an adult goes to Hell,
that's terrific.

But when a child goes...
That's why I'm in this business.
Little Nicky.
-Know what's nice about you?

I like the way you're happy
just being yourself.

You don't try to act cool.
Thanks much, Valerie.
You know what's nice about you?
Your juicy heart-shaped heinie.
What was that?
I don't know why I said that.
I meant to say that...

I've always dreamt about
having sex with a gross pig.

Can I wash my winky
in your kitchen sinky?

You're a real jerk!
I didn't mean to be.
What the--Adrian!
Dad needs you
to come back to Hell.

So he sent old Shovel Face
to fetch me.

I'm not kidding.
He's in trouble.

So are you.
Hey, Valerie!
What is your problem?
I'm sorry!
Adrian, you froze the fire gate,
and Dad is dying...

so get your booty
back home or else!

You can't talk tough, Nicky.
Even the voice inside your head
has a speech impediment.

You're going back
because I'm going to make you!

How about this?
I'll stay here...

enjoying my pizza
and my peppermint schnapps...
