aboutthe bear on the mountain?
You know, right after--
I don't know. Maybe the trial's
been getting to me...
because I've been having
this weird dream every night.
You didn't say anything to me.
It's probably trivial.
If it's recurring,
maybe it's not so trivial.
OK, I'll tell you.
I'm reading this book...
and I can't rememberwhat
the book is when I wake up...
but I realize
halfway through it...
it's something
that I've written...
orwill write, actually.
And, anyway,
I getto the end of the book...
and I'mfeeling very satisfied.
And I close the cover
to read the title...
and the title,
itjust says "X-E-S."
Justthree letters.
For some reason,
that makes mefeel great.
Then I wake up.
It usually makes me
feel great,too.
But lfall asleep
right afterwards.
What do you mean?
is "sex" spelled backwards.
What can I say?
I'm not a master of the obvious.
Not evenfrom mental illness
as the defence asserts?
Are you trying
to get me to say...
there's another cause
for little voices, Sally?
No,Viznik's a manipulator.
He's clever.
He has what I call
malignant narcissism.
He's dangerously self-obsessed,
but not psychotic.
He's incapable.
He has no capacity
to understand...
or ability to recognize
any higher authority.
What about Peter Kelson?
Where is your moral compass?
I like to think
I'm the actual needle...
on the compass.
Morality is which way
depending on the dilemma...
butthe needle,
it always points north.