Lost Souls

It usually makes me
feel great,too.

But lfall asleep
right afterwards.

What do you mean?
is "sex" spelled backwards.

What can I say?
I'm not a master of the obvious.
Not evenfrom mental illness
as the defence asserts?

Are you trying
to get me to say...

there's another cause
for little voices, Sally?

No,Viznik's a manipulator.
He's clever.

He has what I call
malignant narcissism.

He's dangerously self-obsessed,
but not psychotic.

He's incapable.
He has no capacity
to understand...

or ability to recognize
any higher authority.

What about Peter Kelson?
Where is your moral compass?
I like to think
I'm the actual needle...

on the compass.
Morality is which way

depending on the dilemma...
butthe needle,
it always points north.

"Best-selling author...
"New York native...
"Own parents murdered
in an unsolved crime."

John, I know who he is.
What's going on?
Birdson's repeating numbers.
It's a code lfound
in the papers...

that I tookfrom his room.
It spells "Peter Kelson."
So he's the one.
We have to checkthe criteria.
Baptismal records, blood type.
Ifound his doctor,
so that's a start.

And then what?
If Father Lareaux's
not upto this...

Ifiled a report
with Father Frank.

A lot of good that'll do.
The Church dismisses this
completely. You know that.

We need all the helpwe can get
right now,John. We really do.

