Hey! What are you doing home?
Iforgot my car keys.
What are you doing
on thisfloor?
We got Mr Kowalski's mail
Lucky Mr Kowalski.
Hey, come here.
Just an outside observer.
...what I've heard...
it seems that MrViznik
is probably not schizophrenic.
Can I helpyou?
Peter Kelson?
I saw you
on television yesterday...
and I thought
you were brilliant.
You work in the building
or comingfrom the party?
You said something
really interesting.
You said malignant narcissism
was not evil.
Yes, I did.
Not pure evil.
That's correct.
And also that--
I'm sorry,
but I'm running late.
And thatthere was no such thing
as evil with a capital "E."