Can I helpyou?
Peter Kelson?
I saw you
on television yesterday...
and I thought
you were brilliant.
You work in the building
or comingfrom the party?
You said something
really interesting.
You said malignant narcissism
was not evil.
Yes, I did.
Not pure evil.
That's correct.
And also that--
I'm sorry,
but I'm running late.
And thatthere was no such thing
as evil with a capital "E."
It's notthe most
popular opinion, butyes.
What if I told you
I was a malignant narcissist?
Have a seat.
I probably wouldn't believe you.
A narcissistwouldn't admit it.
It's basically an extremeform
of self-denial.
-Do you mind?
-Please, be my guest.
You want a drink?
What if I told you that
I believe in God and the Devil?
Infact, I know thatthey exist.
I know.
Is thatyour girlfriend?
Excuse me?