Lucky Numbers

well, how would it work?
you know, like, you know,
hypothetically speaking.

how would, you know,
how would it go down?

- well, it's nothing.
- no?

if i were to put it
in medical terms...

where you would equate brain surger
with a bank robber,

this would be like a visit
to the podiatrist.

- hmm.
- and itjust so happens...

i have an acquaintance named dale
who is a specialist in this area.

it's a ver simple procedure, russ.
the whole thing would take...
40 minutes.

forty? wow.
forty minutes, tops.
daie arrives atyourdeaiership on
aprearrangednight with his crew.

manit's so easy
to biowupyourprobiems

- continues
- finds his way inside.

leaves the teiitaie signs
ofa break-in...

andgains entrance.
then it'sjust a simpie matter
ofgetting thesieds out the back.

imean, the actuaiextraction
process is the easiest bit.

and, uh, that's that.
aii that's ieft is between
you andyourinsurance company.

endofstory. easy aspie.
i, ofcourse, would command
the standard 20%% consultation fee.

- i fi gured that.
- you know, it's up toyou, russ.

i mean, only ifyou're ready
for something like this.

that visit to the podiatrist.
well, it's like removing a bunion
or something.

an ingrown toenail,
at the ver most.

funny. okay. okay.
well, make the call then.

good choice.
i wasin the rightpiace, but
it must've been the wrong time

i wassaying the right things
but imust've usedthe wrong iine

- i was on the right trip
- all right.
