imean, the actuaiextraction
process is the easiest bit.
and, uh, that's that.
aii that's ieft is between
you andyourinsurance company.
endofstory. easy aspie.
i, ofcourse, would command
the standard 20%% consultation fee.
- i fi gured that.
- you know, it's up toyou, russ.
i mean, only ifyou're ready
for something like this.
that visit to the podiatrist.
well, it's like removing a bunion
or something.
an ingrown toenail,
at the ver most.
funny. okay. okay.
well, make the call then.
good choice.
i wasin the rightpiace, but
it must've been the wrong time
i wassaying the right things
but imust've usedthe wrong iine
- i was on the right trip
- all right.
let's do this cocksucker.
- continues
- all right. let's do it.
i've been runnin '
tryin 'toget hung up in my mind
this is so cool. you can just
come in here anytime you want.
yeah, i got the keys, don't i?
all right. this one's
for charlie hustle, okay?
the pricks wanna keep him
out of cooperstown?
i wasin the wrongpiace, but
it must've been the right time
- home run.
- i wasin the rightpiace
it's happening right this second.
senda squadcarnow!
i wasin the right worid,
but it seemediike a wrong, wrong
- sirens waiiing
- come on. move it!
let mejust askyou one question,
yourhonor. where's my bat?
don't worr about your bat, asshole.
phone ringing
- yeah?
- i'm gonna breakyour fuckin' face.
- what?
- you better have a bag of money...
the fuckin' second they set bail,
or i'm telling them who hired me.