Lucky Numbers

you know i got a grandson,
six years old.

- that's a great age.
- yeah. chuckles

he says to me the other day,
he says,

"pop-pop, when i grow up,
i wanna be a bookie and run
a numbers racketjust like you."

i know. i melted.
andthen he asks me,
hesays, "pop-pop,

when people play the numbers,
what number do they tr to win?"
so i explain to him.
i say, "sweetie,
ever week we bookies,

we get the number from someplace
customers know we can't control."

- and he says, "like sesamestreet?"
- lovely that, isn't it?

it's amazing what these kids
come up with, isn't it?

it's amazing. and i say,
"no, no, no, no, not sesamestreet.

we get the number from
the lotter drawing on television,

the last three digits
ofthe real lotto,

because everone knows
no one can rig the state lotter,

which means no one
can rig a bookie's number."

- that's right.
- and he looks at me.

you know, big long look with
these big brown eyes, and he says,

"and i bet no one can win either!"

he's a genius. kid's a genius.
after all, h-how often
do i have to pay out?

- once, twice, three times a year.
- if.

if. so, moving right along.
next day, guess what.
i had 1 2 people hit the same number.

- no shit!
- yeah.

which even a six-year-old kid knows,
statistically, it's impossible.

out ofthe realm of possibility.
can't happen.

- i don't know what to tell you.
- here's the funny thing, though.

when i looked at
the people who picked,

a pattern started to emerge.
- really?
- yeah. your ex-wife.

your ex-wife.
your ex-wife's mother.

her mother's sister.
your dentist.

your cousin vic.
