i don't.
hello, dale, love. how are you?
- what you gonna do tonight, kippy?
- gonna watch sportscenter.
you're gonna watch sportscenter,
and you're gonna see ifwinchell
is still out with the knee thing.
jerryandifhe's stiii out
with the knee thing,
we gotta change the spread
on detroit, right?
- right.
- so what are you gonna do?
- i'm gonna watch sportscenter.
- go home. watch it. go.tonight.
- good night.
- cardoorsiams, enginestarts
- oh, beautiful. lovely. flat tire.
- oh, theshark hassuch teeth
- kippy? kippy!
- it shows thempeariy whites
- this isjust lovely.
- just ajackknife
- has oidmacheath, babe
-just lovely.
andhe keepsit out ofsight
- ah!
- you know when thatshark bite
with his teeth babe
scariet biiiows start to spread
fancygioves, though
wears oidmacheath, babe
so there's never
nevera trace ofred
nowon thesidewaik, huh, huh
ooh sunday morning, uh-huh
lies a body
just oozin 'iife, eek
andsomeone's sneakin '
'roundthe corner
couid thatsomeone
be mack the knife