a few other stray crinkly leaves
from the family tree.
they all played variations
on the same number.
- you know,jerr.
- hmm.
if it wasn't for the fact
that we are dear friends--
- we are dear friends, right?
- dear friends.
i would suspect that you
are accusing me ofsomething.
i mean,jesus christ himself
can't rig the state lotter.
unlessjesus had a buddy
down at the tv station.
- ahh.
- ahh.
nah. chuckles
a real stumper, huh?
- yeah, a fuckin' head scratcher.
- a fuckin' head scratcher.
fuckin' head scratcher, mate.
you know, i got some pals
down at the d.a.'s office.
always looking for
a good head scratcher.
now,jerr, you never told me
you had a grandson.
i don't.
hello, dale, love. how are you?
- what you gonna do tonight, kippy?
- gonna watch sportscenter.
you're gonna watch sportscenter,
and you're gonna see ifwinchell
is still out with the knee thing.
jerryandifhe's stiii out
with the knee thing,
we gotta change the spread
on detroit, right?
- right.
- so what are you gonna do?
- i'm gonna watch sportscenter.
- go home. watch it. go.tonight.
- good night.
- cardoorsiams, enginestarts
- oh, beautiful. lovely. flat tire.
- oh, theshark hassuch teeth
- kippy? kippy!
- it shows thempeariy whites
- this isjust lovely.
- just ajackknife
- has oidmacheath, babe
-just lovely.