[Renato] Miss Malèna,
thisheartofmine, on fire,
has writtensomanyletters,
andifIdidn'thave the courage
tosendthem toyou,
it was onlybecause
Ididn't want to doyouharm.
So forgivemeifIdare
tosendyou this one.
I wantyou toknowthat
this townhasmanygossips...
Iknowit'snot true.
the onlymaninyourlife isme.
Whatanass !
- I have to go. I'll seeyou
at school tomorrow.
- [ Boys ] So long !
Don't get lost !
[ Children Shouting ]
[ Panting ]
[ Woman ]
Malèna's up in the employment office.
- Looking for ajob again ?
- But who will ever hire her ?
[ Woman ]
No one in this town.
I've got ajob for her--
Littleboy, letmegetby.
- [ WolfWhistles ]
- Hey, baby, give a soldier a break !
Mr. Lawyer!
Yournewspaper's upside down !
Mind your
own fucking business !