IlDuce willspeakto thenation!
Youare orderedto turnyourradios on!
Allofyou whohave radiosetsandradio gramophones...
-are orderedto turn them on.- [ Horn Honking ]
Mussolini will speakto all Italians !
You are authorized by orderofthe Fascist government...
to interruptyourwork.
- [ Cheering ]- This afternoon at 5:00...
Il Duce will speakto the nation.
[Man Narrating] I was twelveandahalfwhen Isawherforthe first time.
- [ Shouting ]- Even though I'm oldernow...
andmymindplays tricks onme,Irememberit well.
Thatday, Mussolinideclaredwaron FranceandGreatBritain...
andIgotmy firstbicycle.
[Man]The frameis British,
the gears are French,
and the brakes are from--I forget.
But the chain is Sicilian--always keep it greasy.