[ Whispering ]
I forgot the key.
[Man On Film]
Soit's true whatpeoplesay!
[Woman] What's thematter
withyou ? Youlooksostrange.
Whatlies ?
I'veneverspoken toyou.
Iknewitfrom thestart--
you'realoose woman.
doneanything wrong.
Liar!I'vebeen followingyou
onmybicycle !
- Iknow whereyou went.
Iknoweverything !
- No!
- The lawyer, the dentist !
- No, Renato, I love onlyyou !
- Liar !
- [ Gasps ]
- Amoroso.
- Here !
- Cali.
- Here !
- Costanza.
- Here !
Professor, can I put my dick
between Malèna's tits ?
Can I put mine
in her mouth ?
Can I put mine
between her legs ?
- Okay, but one at a time !
- [Boys Laughing]
You'reallsons ofbitches !
- Why didn't she marry someone
from her own village ?
- I'm sure no one wanted her.
They say she's a seamstress.
But she's so vulgar.
Mysonsaysshelooks fake.