so ugly thatnogirl
ever wantedhim ?
Theysayhenever washes
andstinks likeagoat.
How willyoursmooth,
bearrubbing against
thesweatofan oldman...
withouthismother's consent ?
[ Speaking Latin ]
- Is it trueyou're getting married ?
- [Boys Laughing]
What areyou writing ?
Give me that !
Let me see !
- [ Laughter, Chattering ]
- Get out !
[TeacherContinues Shouting]
[ Muttering ]
Stand up straight.
A little longer, Don Placido.
More room in the waist,
for whenhegetsbigger.
Will theybereadytomorrow?
[Tailor] The warhas ruined
mybusiness, butitstill takes time.
[ Man On Radio ]
...as Allied bombings continue.
Wait for me.
Lord, help me with my mother,
I beg you.
Moron! Idiot!
You can't treat me like a child.
I'm a grown man !