
I didn´t ask for your opinion, sir.
-Does he know about this?
-Of course, he does!

You little scoundrel,
what the hell is this?

Come here mister.
You think I don´t know
that you skip school?

Fine, who didn´t at your age?
Leave him alone!
I know what l´m doing.
And you let your friends
beat you up.

Fair enough.
Even though when I was your age,
l´d beat my friends up!

But stealing trousers
from your father

and getting them altered
for yourself,

is just plain wrong!
But, Papa, you don´t understand.
Who said you could speak?

l´m ashamed to
wear short pants!

What about knickers?
They´re almost long pants!

Enough! He´s still a child!
l´ll tell our party secretary you won´t
let me go to the Fascist exercises.

Let´s make a deal:
the day someone cracks
the skull of ´´Our Great Leader,´´

then you´ll get long pants.
Swear it!
A beautiful young woman
all alone here. lt´s a crime.

-Who´s he talking about?
-Malena Scordia, Nino´s sexy new wife.

She must have somebody on the side...
it´s inevitable!

-Number fifteen!

Nino brings her from her village
with her ailing father...

And then a month later... boom!
Nino´s called to the war.

Who here wants to bet
she´s sleeping all alone?

Not me!
Why don´t you let me
sit with the others?

No short pants in the adult chair.
