Meet the Parents

Hey, listen,
be nice to this one, okay?
I kinda like him.

Okay, I'll try.
Thank you.

Shirt fit okay, Greg?
Oh, fantastic.
Thanks, Jack.

Tom Collins coming up.

- You know, I wish you hadn't
told your parents I hate cats.
- But you do hate cats.

Yeah, but you didn't have to
tell them right when we met.

I know. I'm sorry.
It just kinda slipped out.

Get your red-hot papooses.
My goodness, what is that?

Oh, that's just
a little something from me.
Go ahead. Open it up.

Oh. Look, honey,
Greg brought us a present.

Oh, isn't that nice?
Oh! Oh, look at this.
It's a flower pot
with the dirt in it.

- Hmm.
- Actually, the real gift is
what's planted in the soil.

The bulb
of a Jerusalem tulip.

Which I was told is one
of the rarest and most beautiful
flowers in existence.

Oh, right, right,
the Jerusalem--

From the "Jerusales
tulipesias" genus.
Yes, yes.

Anyway, yeah,

the guy said with regular
watering, it should bloom
in about six months, so--

Oh, we'll look forward
to that, Greg.

[Clearing Throat]
So, uh, Greg,
how's your job?

Um, good, Pam.
Thanks for asking.

I, uh, I recently
got transferred to triage.

Oh, is that better
than a nurse?

No, Mom, triage is
a unit of the E.R.

It's where all
the top nurses work.

No, they do.
[Chuckling Nervously]

Not many men
in your profession, though,
are there, Greg?
