The bulb
of a Jerusalem tulip.
Which I was told is one
of the rarest and most beautiful
flowers in existence.
Oh, right, right,
the Jerusalem--
From the "Jerusales
tulipesias" genus.
Yes, yes.
Anyway, yeah,
the guy said with regular
watering, it should bloom
in about six months, so--
Oh, we'll look forward
to that, Greg.
[Clearing Throat]
So, uh, Greg,
how's your job?
Um, good, Pam.
Thanks for asking.
I, uh, I recently
got transferred to triage.
Oh, is that better
than a nurse?
No, Mom, triage is
a unit of the E.R.
It's where all
the top nurses work.
No, they do.
[Chuckling Nervously]
Not many men
in your profession, though,
are there, Greg?
No, Jack,
not traditionally.
Oh, Pam, honey, did you know
that your father started
his own business?
Dad, that's great.
Oh, wow!
Yes, I thought
with my knowledge
and experience,
why should I allow
retirement to stop me?
I really admire that.
So what is it?
What's the new venture?
Let me ask you
a question, Greg.
Let's just say
you have kids...
and you wanna
get out of the house,
spend a night on the town.
So, you hire a baby-sitter,
someone you think you can trust.
References, work experience--
it all checks out fine.
But then how do you
really know for certain...
that your loved ones are safe
with this stranger?
I mean, can you ever
really trust another
human being, Greg?
Sure, I think so.
No, the answer is
you cannot.
Let me show you something.
Take a look at this, Greg.