
On Thursday, October 11...
Sandra Moser kisses her husband
and two sons good night.

She tells the maid she'll be back
in a couple of hours...

because Thursday night
is her yoga night.

She was found murdered at
the Maywood Hotel the next morning...

in a suite she rented
with some fake I D.

On Friday, October 24...
Dorothy Ann Samenov meets
a few friends for drinks...

at a place called Seniorelli's.
She leaves at 6:30
saying she's tired.

She was murdered in her house
later that night.

You've got a rich housewife
and a high-powered company executive.

Different lifestyles,
different friends.

- We got nothing that connects them yet.
- Nothing matches?

We got geography.
They lived about a mile apart.

Same social background.
This is all low-risk stuff.
We got any trace evidence?
The bodies were washed.
No semen, no saliva, no prints.

- You checked, did you?
- All right.

The four of you are a task force now.
Get busy on this.

Free association time.
One time when I was a child...
I was...
staying at my aunt and uncle's house
for the summer.

It was in the middle
of the afternoon and...

I went into my Aunt Ceile's room...
to get a sewing basket.
I thought there was no one there.
And when I walked in...
there was a man standing there.
And, I mean, I didn't know
who it was...

and my Aunt Ceile was lying naked
on the bed.

She didn't see me,
and then, very slowly...

he raised his fingers
to his lips...

telling me to be quiet,
and I...

I backed out of the room
and left.
