Free association time.
One time when I was a child...
I was...
staying at my aunt and uncle's house
for the summer.
It was in the middle
of the afternoon and...
I went into my Aunt Ceile's room...
to get a sewing basket.
I thought there was no one there.
And when I walked in...
there was a man standing there.
And, I mean, I didn't know
who it was...
and my Aunt Ceile was lying naked
on the bed.
She didn't see me,
and then, very slowly...
he raised his fingers
to his lips...
telling me to be quiet,
and I...
I backed out of the room
and left.
My husband is fucking a woman
who has practically no breasts at all.
I've hired an investigator.
He's taking pictures.
And why did you do that?
I'm keeping a file.
Or rather, my lawyer is.
Why didn't you offer me a drink?
Because I really didn't think
you should have one.
what if I stopped seeing you?
Would you miss me?
Yes, of course I'd miss you.
You're the only person
I can relax with in this way.
You're not fucking
any of your other patients?