
Did you cheat on your husband?
- How come?
- 'Cause those are the rules.

He did.
Well, they're my rules.
- Why'd you get married?
- I don't know.

Why does anybody do anything?
Why did you choose Dorothy?

Because I needed love,
not fucking.

I thought she knew the difference.
How'd you get swept
off your feet?

I got fucked
right from the beginning.

- How did that happen?
- It happened in court.

He was a defense attorney...
very good one.

By the time the case was over,
he'd convinced me...

that the defendant was innocent.
And I collared the asshole.
Asshole got off.
I got nailed.
Well, I wasrt exactly faithful
to Dorothy.

That's about the one thing we have
found out in this investigation.

Do you know
what I think sex is?

A thrill.
It's like putting your head
in the mouth...

of the only lion in the cage

totally unpredictable.
Arert you just
a little bit curious?

What do you want to do?
Take me to one of your dungeons?

You'd be amazed at the use we can get
out of simple kitchen utensils.

What's your fantasy?
Do you want a guy?
A threesome
to ease you into it?
