Well, I wasrt exactly faithful
to Dorothy.
That's about the one thing we have
found out in this investigation.
Do you know
what I think sex is?
A thrill.
It's like putting your head
in the mouth...
of the only lion in the cage
totally unpredictable.
Arert you just
a little bit curious?
What do you want to do?
Take me to one of your dungeons?
You'd be amazed at the use we can get
out of simple kitchen utensils.
What's your fantasy?
Do you want a guy?
A threesome
to ease you into it?
- I want the bad guy.
- You want a name?
I'll whisper it to you.
I like you.
Is that it?
Is that all it takes?
I picked up a woman once because she
was wearing a beautiful necklace...
with gold serpents
and green stones.