Dorothy at first.
Then if he saw her with another woman
that he liked, he'd add her to the list.
Yeah, and none of them
fuckir knew, right?
Come on. Listen,
I worked LA and San Francisco.
- These women were a bunch of nuts.
- Yeah, and now they're all dead.
I have a story to tell you.
If you don't hear it,
you won't understand.
You must have known it
from the beginning.
The night in the pool. She sat there,
her legs in the water, seeing nothing.
I must've known it.
She was there watching...
when he did that to me.
I wanted to see
if she was seeing, but...
I was too afraid.
She didn't come and kiss me
good night that night.
I noticed that because
she never did it again.
I became invisible to her.
It was then that I finally
admitted to myself...
that I hated her.
And I wanted her to know...
that I hated her.
One night we were watching TV,
she decided to take a bath...
and come back in half an hour
for some show she wanted to watch.
As soon as she left,
he started pawing me.
I decided this was
the time to do it.
So I let him start undressing me.
For the first time,
I let him take everything off.
I heard her footsteps as she
came back through the kitchen...
and then they stopped.
I wanted to see her expression, but
then I would've seen him on top of me.