I hope I'm not disturbing you.
Oh, no, I was just, you know...
I made some of my famous
hot chocolate.
My roommate's asleep,
or she's starting to mold.
But do you want to come in?
I asked some of the other girls...
...but when they heard "chocolate"
they slammed their doors.
They didn't give me a chance
to say "nonfat."
Well, here's to...
...world peace.
World peace.
I'm sorry.
I have to tell you...
...I thought it was really great
how you settled that argument today.
"Aloha, aloha. "
That's why you're gonna win.
You're so clever.
You should tell jokes for your talent.
What is your talent?
It's-- It's kind of like....
It's, you know,
it's like a surprise.
But don't worry,
it's nothing embarrassing.
Not anything like baton twirling
or anything.
So, what's your talent?
Oh, Cheryl, I'm sorry.