Well, here's to...
...world peace.
World peace.
I'm sorry.
I have to tell you...
...I thought it was really great
how you settled that argument today.
"Aloha, aloha. "
That's why you're gonna win.
You're so clever.
You should tell jokes for your talent.
What is your talent?
It's-- It's kind of like....
It's, you know,
it's like a surprise.
But don't worry,
it's nothing embarrassing.
Not anything like baton twirling
or anything.
So, what's your talent?
Oh, Cheryl, I'm sorry.
Twirling can be a real art.
I saw this cheerleader doing it
at a football game.
She lit her batons on fire
and did this sexy dance.
I wish I could do something like that.
Why can't you?
My parents don't like
anything ostentatious.
And they really don't like fire.
Cheryl, I think you have as good
a chance as anyone to win.
You believe in yourself
to have gotten this far, right?
You're so nice and so smart
and so sensitive.
You're definitely gonna win.
That's it.
Excuse me. I am in the middle
of a REM cycle over here.
-I'm sorry.