Well, we were afraid
you wouldn't come.
[ Chuckles ]
I caught a whiff of your barbecue.
- After that,
- Yeah ?
I was, uh, helpless.
Tsk. All the way
out in Galveston ?
- Something like that.
- Mmm.
It's his night, Deb.
I didn't want to spoil it.
"Spoil it" ? He has been
going crazy looking for you.
- Don't ever do that to me again.
- [ Both Chuckle ]
- How ya doin' ?
- Hey, I'm doin' good.
- Here.
- Thanks, man.
- A lot of people are gonna be
glad to see you, you know that ?
- Yeah.
Come on.
Let's go in.
You remember him ?
- Just let that go.
- As soon as you admit that
it was a no-go situation.
- It was a go situation.
- Three months, no data stream,
-you're gonna land the ship ?
-Just 'cause you keep bringing
it up doesn't make you right.
-Just because you get loud
doesn't make-- Jim, settle it.
- No, don't--
-Just because you get loud
doesn't make-- Jim, settle it.
- No, don't--
- Settle it.
- Don't look at me.
- It was a go situation.
-This is exactly what I'm talking about.
-It's hard to admit, I know that.
Three commanders, one ship.
I don't think that's gonna work.
There's not enough rocket fuel
in the world to get those egos
off the ground. Come on.
Ah, we would've made
a great crew.
Maybe. If this man
was left seat.
- Yeah.
- [ Chuckling ] Guys, come on.
I'm a pretty good stickjockey.
Call me if you want a flight test.
- What is a stickjockey ?
- "l'm a pretty good stickjockey."
Come on, Mr. Cover
of Time Magazine.
- The guy who landed
the crippled Block Il shuttle.
- Yeah.
- That's the stickjockey.
- The stickjockey did that.
[ Chuckling ]
- Yeah, Mr. StickJockey.
- Okay, I made a little noise,