I don't know, Woodrow.
I think it's about time
you donated this baby to the museum.
- Internal combustion, boys.
Accept no substitutes.
- [ Engine Revs ]
Jim, listen.
If there's, um--
If there's anything Terri and I can do,
you call us, all right ?
- I'm okay. Really. Thanks.
- All right. Luke.
- Yeah ?
- I'll see you when I get to Mars.
Listen, don't solve all
the mysteries of the universe.
- Leave a little something
for the next guys.
- I'm not promising anything.
-Just bring some expensive beer.
- All right.
Will do. Godspeed.
Thanks, buddy.
- [Tires Screech]
- [Dog Barking]
It should've been
your mission, Jim.
Yours and Maggie's.
Nobody ever wanted Mars the way
you two did, not even Woody.
You two were 1 2 years training for
this thing, hoping for this assignment.
Well, that's--
that's all over now.
If Maggie hadn't gotten sick,
if you hadn't pulled yourself...
- out of the rotation
to take care ofher, you--
- Luke--
No,Jim. Wait a minute.
I wanna say this.
Look, I wanted
this assignment, all right ?
But not like this,Jim.
I would give all of this up in a second
ifit would bring Maggie back to us.
I know that.
Look, all the years of training
and planning for this mission
have been a privilege.
Mars is yours now.
Go get it.
I will.
You take care
of yourself, Jim.
You too, buddy.
I'll see you
when I get back.
Hey, Luke.
Have a great ride.