Idon't know. Itsounds like
interference from therover.
- Can you fix it ?
- Hey, skip, I can fix anything.
- [ Chuckles ]
- Love that modesty.
Break out theradar.
Let's see what this thing's made of.
[Luke OverMonitor]
Oh, there's onemore thing.
This is a very important, very special
day fora good friend of ours back home.
We knowhe's there right now.
He hates it when anybody
makes any kind of a fuss abouthim,
so I'm not gonna
mention his name.
Because the last thing
I would want to do would be...
to embarrass someone
likeJim McConnell !
Was that loud?
Oh, well. It's done now.
It can't be right.
It says there's metal under there.
- Solidmetal.
- No, that doesn't make any sense.
- You're reading a vein ofore, Renee.
- No, it--
It says it's under
the whole mountain.
All right. Move it closer, up the
power, and we're gonna try it again.
- Hey.
- [ All ] ** Happy birthday to you **
- ** Happy birthday to you **
- Okay, everybody.
- I want you to take a look atJim.
-******[Singing Continues]
Is heallredwith one of those
fake "Oh, I'm-a-good-sport"
grins onhis face ?
That's right.
Now, everybody, take a look at Ray.
Does he have one of those...
looks on his face ?
Uh-huh. I thought so. There's nothing
you can do about it, Ray.
- We're ahundredmillionmiles away!
- [Crew Taunting]
Okay, let's blow it out.
- We're all set here, chief.
- Let's crank up thejuice,
see what's in this sucker.
What happened ?