- Hey, skip.
- Hey. Take a look.
[Jim ]
Whatdo youmake of that ?
Southern hemisphere,
coming from the east.
Big fella too.
-Headed straight for Mars One base camp.
- Could get a little hairy
right about landing time.
- Yeah.
Listen, we're gonna have to be able to
move fast. Maybe even advance our E.T.A.
These bad boys can cover a whole planet
and last up to a year.
- When does SI MA do her flyby ?
- Tomorrow morning, 0600.
That's when we find out whether
we've come all this way for nothing.
My money's on Luke.
*****[Rock Tunes Changing
*****[Volume lncreases]
**Have youseenher***
**So fiine andpretty***
**Fooledme with herstyle
from across theroom***
** Yes, it's love
in the thirddegree***
** Ooh, baby, baby***
** Won'tcha turnyourhead
my way***
** Ooh, baby, baby***
** Come on, take a chance***
** You're old enough to***
** The night away***
-*** Whoa***
**Dance the night away***
**A live wire***
**Barelya beginner
but just watch that lady go***