Now, are there anysigns
of recent activity ?
There. Scan northe astern
quadrant of base camp.
What the hell are those ?
[Phil] Wait aminute.
There's only three of them.
-That means Luke's still gotta be alive.
-Phil, no, no.
Itjust means there was
no one lef t to bury him.
- Check the radiation levels.
- Check rad levels.
- Go to disaster site.
- Go to 41 by 9.
- [Woody] What's wrong ?
- [Phil] ldon't know.
Magnetic interference ?
- Go infrared.
- Switch to infrared.
It's gotta be a problem
with SI MA.
I don't see how an earthquake six months
ago could cause this kind ofdistortion.
That was no quake.
We are going to continue
analysing this data...
and try to determine what
the problem is with those images.
We agree that the evidence
of the graves is, uh,
and that a groundsearch
is advisable.
Frankly, we are as stumped
asyouguys, but we'llkeep onit.
- Beware there are little
sand storms kicking up...
- Bureau babble.
near Mars One base.
But the big one youspotted
is turningsouth.
Itshouldn'tbe a factor.
We are all pretty excited
around here,
and we are sure you must be
feeling the same.
- Enjoyyourmeal,
and get a goodnight's sleep.
- Say it.