- We anticipate...
- Say it.
- that tomorrow morning...
- Say it.
you will be go.
Yes ! Yes !
thank you.
thank you.
- [ People Cheering ]
- [ Woody] Hooray for babyJimmy !
[ Luke ] Yes,Jim's firsr spaceship
was seriously underpowered.
- [ Woody] Maggie was
always a little starstruck.
- [People Laughing]
- [ Woody]
Show us those beautiful teeth.
- [ People Whooping ]
[ Maggie ]
I am gonna getyou guys for that !
[ Luke ] When they met at
the Air Force Academy, it was
love at firsr flight. Woody's line.
[ Woody] Later, during NASA training,
things got a little tough.
Yes, Maggie always did
keep jim on a short leash.
Jim was always trying
to explore a heavenly body.
[Laughing Continues]
- Where are the ygoing ?
- [Phil] Ten thousandmile-high club.
[ Luke ] Until--
[ Drumroll With Hands ]
- [ Woody] Mission accomplished !
- Oh !
- Man, what a fun wedding !
I was so whacked.
- [ Laughing ]
[ Luke ]
Uh, I'm going in. T-minus three,
T-minus two, T-minus one,
- Oh. Okay, we can stop there.
- [ All Taunting ]
Stop it there.
Fast forward.
[Chattering, Laughing]
Okay, you guys.
[ Clears Throat ]
They are adding a wonderful chapter
to their incredible story,
and it's
a pretty historic one.
- To the newly appointed co-commanders
of Mars One, Jim and Maggie !
- Hear, hear !
- [ People Whooping ]
- I will drink to that.
- thank you.
- [ Luke ] Hold it. It's not over.
- [ Phil ] Show 'em, show 'em.
- Yeah, we got a little addendum.
- Check this out, guys. Here we go.
- It's Phil's best work.