Look, it's Mars.
You can pick up these postcards
atyour local NASA souvenir shop.
When you two land up there,
it will prove once and for all...
- that there really is
no intelligent life on Mars.
- All right, touché.
- You're gonna eat those words.
- I don't think so.
- Give me the camera.
- [Woody] Uh-oh, here we go.
- [Maggie] What if I'm right ?
- [Woody] What if she's right ?
- You okay ?
- [Maggie]
Can't it just be about science ?
- We'll do the science,
and do it really well,
- Yeah.
because that's what
we've trained for.
But what if there's more ?
In all our myths,
in every human culture, Mars has
always held a special attraction.
I mean, what if
that means something ?
The universe is not chaos.
It's connection.
Life reaches out for life.
That's what we
were born for, isn't it ?
To stand on a new world
and look beyond it to the next one.
[ Sighs ]
It's who we are.
You know,
she may have been right.
If that wasn't a quake down there,
then something else caused it...
or planned it.
You're thinkin'
the same thing.
It's never been
out of my mind.
I think she
knew something, Woody.
She was the only one ofus
who ever really believed...
there might be
something down there.
Yeah, well, we're not leaving
till we fi nd out.
Deal ?
[ Beeping ]