Sixty percent atmosphere.
[ Beeping ]
Jim, how we doing
on the A.G. ?
[ Labored Breathing ]
Just... hang on one second, Woody.
Fifty percent atmosphere.
- [Jim]Come on!
-Jim, I've got oxygen.
- Come on.
- Voice print identification.
- [ Stammering ] Mc-- McCon--
- Not accepted.
Voice print identification.
- McConnell !
- Accepted.
[ Shuddering ]
Shut down... gravitational rotation.
[Computer]Shutting down
artificial gravitational rotation.
[ Whirring Winding Down ]
Jim, I've got the oxygen
for you.
- Hang on !
- [Computer]Forty percent atmosphere.
- [Terri]Are youokay ?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm fi ne.
I'm topside,Jim.
Do you know which sector ?
[Jim OverRadio]
I'm working onit.
- You'd better get some oxygen,Jim.
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
[ Labored Breathing
Continues ]
[ Grunts ]
Come on.
It's likelooking
foraneedle in ahaystack.