Okay, come on.
Come on. Where are you,
you little bastard ?
Give me some light on the hull
so I can locate it.
I got a better idea.
Gotcha !
[ Straining ]
Squeeze out the liquid !
S-S-Stay there !
- Squeeze itout!
Okay. Okay.
Please work.
Thirty percent atmosphere.
Woody, the breach is between
sectors five andsix.
- [Hissing Continues]
- Five and six.
- Do you copy ?
- Copy. I'm heading there now.
Son of abitch.
We never did that
in the simulator.
[Computer Breaking Up]
Twenty percent atmosphere.
-Jim ?
- [ Grunting ]
[Alarm Blaring]
Ten percent atmosphere.
-Jim !
- [Alarm Continues]
- [ Grunts ]
-Jim, talk to me. It's Terri.
- Come back.
- Breathe !
- Come back !
- Gotcha.
- [Alarm Stops]
Pressure stabilizing.
Pressure stabilizing.
Jim ?
Twenty percent atmosphere.
[ Chuckling ]
Welcome back.