[Computer]Prepare to initiate burn.
Prepare to initiate burn.
Okay, we're ready
to light this candle.
Go/no go for braking burn
and M.O.I. Engines.
- [Computer]On-line.
- Go.
- [Woody] Systems.
- On-line.
- Go.
- Nav.
- [Computer]On-line.
- We are go for the burn.
I am fuelling engines.
[Computer] Flow charge on-line.
Flow charger activated.
Optimum angle ofentry
in minus seven degrees.
[Computer]Countdown to initiate
burn for orbital insertion.
[Switch Clicks]
Orbital insertion proximity alert.
- [Phil] Four.
- Optimum insertion angle approaching.
Jim ?
Optimum insertion angle imminent.
- One.
- Let's go to Mars.
- [ Grunts ]
-Jesus !
Attitude incorrect.
Shut down the engines.
Engines negative. No response.
I have got no attitude control.
- Manual separation.
- Negative. The control module...
doesn't have enough thrust
to correct this rotation.
We're too steep.
We're falling into the atmosphere.
Christ, at this angle
we're gonna burn up.