- Then they haven't studied
some of the couples I've known.
Luke. Come on, baby.
He's not coming.
This isn't right.
I mean, Jim deserves this too.
All of his friends are here.
- I know.
- It's my last night here.
Hey ! It's your last night
with us too.
- I know. I'm sorry, baby.
- Mm-hmm.
- I love you, Deb.
I love you too.
Maybe you should
spend some time with Bobby.
- Yeah, where is he ?
- Up in his fort.
Oh. Okay.
Millions of miles away.
Deep space.
So lonesome, so cold.
So lame, Nick.
Knock, knock.
Bobby ?
Your friends are
out there playing.
What are you doing
up here ?
Who's gonna read
to me now at bed time ?
Your mother will.
But... I like
when you do it.
- Now we're never gonna finish our book.
- Bobby.
Listen, I've been thinking
about that too, okay ?
And what I figured out was--
How about if I bring along
my own copy ?
Then, every night, wherever I am,
I'll read a little bit more ofit.
And you and Mommy can read a little bit
more of it wherever you are.
It'll be kind of like we're reading it
together. 'Cause I don't know about you,
but I'm kind of anxious
to find out how old Ben Gunn
got marooned on that island.
You think that's
a good idea ?
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah ? Yeah ?