- Luke, you read me ?
- Here, Renee.
Luke, I just got ARES-8
on-line, and--
Well, we think you're gonna
want to see this for yourself.
Okay, copy that.
- Now, is this the cinder cone ?
- No, it's too smooth.
- It's too angular.
Volcanic upwelling, maybe.
- No. No fissure, no caldera.
No, it's an upwelling for sure,
but maybe not volcanic.
Look at the color and how shiny it is.
That almost looks like--
- It looks like ice.
- This far south ?
- Impossible. You can't
have ice at this latitude.
I mean, not unless
there's, like, a--
Okay, how far away
is that ?
Sixteen kilometers, northeast.
Take us 20 minutes to get there, chief.
We're gonna send a packet to Micker.
We're going out there.
- Keep working.
- Okay.
- Careful. Watch your step.
- Is it possible to take picture ?
- Oh, picture.
- Here we go.
- Let's have a picture.
Say, "Cheese."
This is a trulyanomalous formation.
It's unlike anything
ever seen so far.
The structure appears
to be crystalline,
at least from the angle that's
displayed by ARES-8.
We're trying not to go too nuts up here,
but we think there's a good chance...