Look at the color and how shiny it is.
That almost looks like--
- It looks like ice.
- This far south ?
- Impossible. You can't
have ice at this latitude.
I mean, not unless
there's, like, a--
Okay, how far away
is that ?
Sixteen kilometers, northeast.
Take us 20 minutes to get there, chief.
We're gonna send a packet to Micker.
We're going out there.
- Keep working.
- Okay.
- Careful. Watch your step.
- Is it possible to take picture ?
- Oh, picture.
- Here we go.
- Let's have a picture.
Say, "Cheese."
This is a trulyanomalous formation.
It's unlike anything
ever seen so far.
The structure appears
to be crystalline,
at least from the angle that's
displayed by ARES-8.
We're trying not to go too nuts up here,
but we think there's a good chance...
that this could bean extrusion
from some subsurface
geothermal column of water.
And, of course,
if that's correct,
then we may have found the key
to permanent human colonization.
- We thinkit wise
to suspend judgement--
- Let geology and hydrology...
know we need to scramble
on this-- full court press.
So we're gonna head out there ASAP
and take a look at this thing,
tr yand get an idea
of its composition.
By the time you receive this,
we should just about be on site.
Anybody else hearing that ?
Yeah. Whatis it ?