Son of abitch.
We never did that
in the simulator.
Twenty percent atmosphere.
-Jim ?
Ten percent atmosphere.
-Jim !
-Jim, talk to me. It's Terri.
- Come back.
- Breathe !
- Come back !
- Gotcha.
Pressure stabilizing.
Pressure stabilizing.
Jim ?
Twenty percent atmosphere.
Welcome back.
Thirty percent atmosphere.
It worked ! Yes ! It worked !
Way to go, everybody !
All right !
- Yeah !
There's a lot of scarring out here.
I'm gonna check for other punctures.
Orbital insertion
proximity alert.
Orbital insertion
proximity alert.
Negative, Woody. That is a negative.
You have to get back inside.
We have to do our checklist
for orbital insertion.
Copy. I'm onmy way.
Hello, beautiful.