Thirty percent atmosphere.
It worked ! Yes ! It worked !
Way to go, everybody !
All right !
- Yeah !
There's a lot of scarring out here.
I'm gonna check for other punctures.
Orbital insertion
proximity alert.
Orbital insertion
proximity alert.
Negative, Woody. That is a negative.
You have to get back inside.
We have to do our checklist
for orbital insertion.
Copy. I'm onmy way.
Hello, beautiful.
Prepare to initiate burn.
Prepare to initiate burn.
Okay, we're ready
to light this candle.
Go/no go for braking burn
and M.O.I. Engines.
- On-line.
- Go.
- Systems.
- On-line.
- Go.
- Nav.
- On-line.
- We are go for the burn.
I am fuelling engines.
Flow charge on-line.
Flow charger activated.
Optimum angle ofentry
in minus seven degrees.
Countdown to initiate
burn for orbital insertion.