The year After Colony 19 5.
A group of Colony citizenshostile toward the Alliance...
...sent young men to Earthon five Gundams.
The project name wasOperation Meteor.
At the end of an involved battle...
...the sole revolutionary leader,Treize Khushrenada...
...took on the task of closingthe curtain on an era...
...and died in battle.
That gave way to the birth...
...of the Earth SphereUnified Nation.
After Colony 196.
No military weapons remainin the Earth Sphere.
However, as long asmankind exists...
...there will always be battles.
Gundam WingEndless Waltz - Special Edition
This is Water.
I've confirmed our target.
I've locked on.
How did this get here?
As long as peace continues,there's no need for Gundams.
It's tough parting with them.
No, it's okay.
Let's hurry and send theminto the sun...
...with this disposal block.